Hall of PHame Criteria
1. The person nominating must send the nomination form “stating the reason for nomination” to include the “extraordinary commitment” the outstanding nominee has given to the club in order to receive this prominent reward.
2. Members cannot nominate themselves.
3. The nomination form must be submitted to a HOP Member. The HOP member is to contact the “club president only” to see if the nominee is a member of good standing with the Club. The reply should go directly back to the HOP member who sent the nomination request.
4. The HOP member shall then submit all of the information to the HOP and vote on whether to accept or reject the nomination. All discussion to remain confidential within the HOP.
5. There are to be no more than two elected members each year.
6. A member of the Board of Directors, may be eligible for nomination so long as they have been a PHCOEM member in good standing for a “minimum of 10 years”.
7. Due to the integrity of this award, most years there will not be anyone nominated or accepted as the HOP needs to seriously consider this a worthy appointment.
Check out our Hall Of Phame Recipients here: