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Parrot Heads In Need (PHIN) PHUND 

The Phin Phund was established to help others in need.  It is a helping hand foundation for pholks who have suffered financially due to storms, floods, fires, etc.  It is phunded by pholks like yourself through individual donations and by designated phundraising efforts.


You can either donate through this page or you can request help for yourself or on behalf of someone else by submitting in writing to   You will need to include your name, the reason for the request, the specific amount of the request and a time frame for needing it. Please ensure to include the best way to get in touch with you for any questions.


When donating you can set the amount you wish to donate, but realize that there will be charges from paypal to cover the cost.  You can figure about $1.00 per $24.00 is the cost.  If there is not a specific disaster/emergency going on at the time of your donation, then your money will go into the general phund for future use.


Thank you in advance for any donation that you are able to make.



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Copyright © 2019 PHCOEM - All Rights Reserved   /   PHCoEM c/o Jean Duffill, 233 Conant Street, Danvers, MA  01923.

Members agree to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CLUB HARMLESS from any and all claims, actions, suits, demands, costs, expenses, damages and liability (including attorney fees) brought as a result of my involvement at the Club and to

reimburse the Club for any such expenses incurred.

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