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Spring - Prez Update

I would like to personally wish everyone who celebrates Passover a wonderful celebration with phamily and phriends. For those that celebrate the most highest holy day for Christians a Happy Easter. For those that don't celebrate either - Happy Spring!!!

There are some items I would like to bring to your attention.

1) We will be doing the Autism Walk again on Saturday April 29th, at Lake Park in Worcester - be there for 9am. We will go out for something to eat afterwards around 2pm.

2) Also on that night (Sat 4/29/2017) we have the 50 Shades of Pink Comedy Night for Breast Cancer Awareness - visit our website link events tab for more information.

3) Finally on Sunday April 30th we have the Charles River Water Shed volunteering by the Moody Street Dam in Waltham by 9am on Sunday. We will park down that little side path again and anyone interested in doing a little barb-e-que again afterwards, please let Sunshine know so we can do food planning.

4) May we have several events see the calendar for more information - but in a nutshell

Sat - 5/6 SOMA Brockton Games

Sun - 5/7 Co-Club WMPHC - MS Walk Westfield

Sat - 5/20 SOMA Cape Games

Sun - 5/21 HMEA Walk - EMC2

5) June is the SOMA summer games at BU - Sat June 10 4pm - we are hosting the dance again, so hope you can come join us and have some PHUN.

6) July is our annual Membership Meeting and Pool Party thank you to John and Jean Duffill for opening up their home on Saturday July 15 1pm-9pm. As usual our Big Summah Raffle will be pulled there and we have an awesome prize this year. I will let LyndiLu and Mac explain that soon. Don't forget to bring a dish to share and BYOB.

As always I would like to personally thank anyone that comes out to help with volunteering or come to just play and have PHUN at our socials.

You all make me very proud to say that I am part of such a wonderful, giving, caring bunch of PHOLKS.

Hope to see you around.


President PHCoEM (2016-2018)

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