Prez Update - Summer's Over

The last official weekend of summer in my book is Labor Day weekend, and I certainly miss the Jimmy Buffett concerts that use to come with it. They were always a lot cooler and seemed to be more PHUN, but life moves on.
With summer coming to an end school is now in session, so please be careful if you are commuting since there will be school buses and children every where.
With this update I would like to inform you that the Parrot Head Club of Eastern Mass has donated $1,000.00 to the Hurricane Harvey victims via the LonePalmFund through our national chapter of PHIP. We had established a PHIN PHUND for this purpose a couple years ago and we are glad that we could do our part in helping the pholks that have been impacted by this devastating event.
The BOD set-up a PHIN (Parrot Heads in Need) PHUND to help out anyone that is in need. The money is collected through donations of pholks like yourself and phund raisers dedicated to it. You can visit our webpage to learn more about it and make a donation if you wish. There will be more information coming from your Membership Director Lyndilu in our next Newsletter that will be out in October.
For those that don't know, I work for Hewlett Packard Enterprise and we have a big campus in Houston that is under water right now. We have 3,500 employees displaced including my boss. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those that have been affected and my thanks and praise go out to all those volunteers who have done an outstanding job to help out. It is times like this that all differences are put aside and everyone works together for a common purpose. If only the world would do this without a disaster, this world would be a truly amazing place.
With Irma on the rise and building strength, please keep all those affected in your thoughts and prayers, they said this would be a bad hurricane season and they are not kidding.
We have several things coming up over the next several months, including the Alzheimer's and Diabetes Walk, the Plymouth Beach clean-up and brewery/winery tours, the Texas Roadhouse gift cards, pink shirt offering for Breast Cancer, Out of Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk, SOMA Sr Games in Barnstable and Boys & Girls Club Christmas Tree decorating. Ensure to visit our website and calendars as things could change along the way.
I hope that you all had a very safe, healthy and happy summer and that you will continue to be able to enjoy life to it's fullest while helping others along the way.
You always make me proud to say I'm a PHCoEM member and that we do an incredible amount of good within our communities and are always there with a helping hand and a smile.
Thank you all for everything you do.
President PHCoEM (2016-2018)