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Veteran's Day & Happy Thanksgiving

I would like to personally thank all our Veterans and families of Veterans for their sacrifices. It is because of them we are able to enjoy what we have. Our club purchases 10 Wreaths to lay on the Veteran's graves down in Bourne Mass. If there is anyone that would like to join us, we are doing this on Saturday, December 16th, 8am at the National Veterans Cemetery in Bourne. We partner with the Knights of Columbus in laying wreaths, if you have never done it, this is very humbling.

I would also like to wish everyone a SAFE, HEALTHY and Happy Thanksgiving. I hope we all take a moment during the celebration with our Phamilies and Phriends to think of our servicemen and women and all the pholks in the medical, fire and police arenas that they stay safe and come home to share in making memories with their phamilies and phriends.

I personally have a lot to be thankful for and I hope you all do too. The ability to give back and do for our community and others, is a blessing I am able to do. So Saturday, November 11, 2017 we will be gathering at my home to decorate the trees for the Springfield Festival of Trees for the Boys and Girls club. You are more than welcome to come join us. Starting at noon time and going to whenever. We all bring a dish to share and anything that you would like to donate to the tree. This year's theme is Parrots in Paradise, so hopefully we will see your smiling face here.

Until we meet again, may your Phins Always Take You Safely Home.


President PHCoEM (2016-2018)

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