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Happy Holidays

Wow can you believe the year 2017 is almost over. And an amazing year it has been for our club. We have as a club done several great things for our community and for each other.

It has also been a year of heartache and loss of those that have meant a lot to us. I know they are all up there in the great tailgate in the sky looking down on us and raising their glass in a toast to all that we have done as a club. So during this season remember those that are no longer with us physically but are still in our hearts and minds.

Every time we have a volunteer event or fundraiser, I'm always amazed at how loving and giving everyone is. You truly make me proud to be part of such a wonderful group of parrot heads.

If you need that special present for that special someone, how about a membership to PHCoEM or tickets to the Holiday Hangover Party, remember you don't have to be a club member to come have PHUN with everyone.

Thank you to all that have participated in our events throughout the year and for giving of your time and love to those that we support. We have two more events this year, Sun, Dec 3, 2017, please feel free to come join us in Peobody for the LETR Torch Run. Sat, Dec 16, 2017 Wreaths Across America Bourne National Veterans Cemetery. For more information - visit our website calendar or Facebook Events page.

I wish you all a Safe, Healthy and Happy Holiday Season and a Prosperous New Year. May you find peace and may you take a moment to remember all those that are not able to be with their families and friends during this holiday to ensure that we all have a safe Holiday.

To all our military folks, fire, police, medical and other services folks and their families, thank you for doing what you do, so that we can do what we do.

Happy Holidays


President PHCoEM (2016-2018)

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