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Happy New Year! From President Mac!

Good Day, Pholks!

We have many things to be thankful for this year! The pandemic and Covid situation has taught us many things. Outdoor dining is great, even in the cold temperatures … especially when there is a fire pit or big heater close by! You can hide your facial expressions behind a good mask, most of the time. Importantly and hopefully, we now fully appreciate all the things and relationships and people we took for granted before a total shut down. How much we missed the human contact and socialization. How important the roles animals play in many of our lives. All the positive stuff we learned about each other and how even just one kind gesture can really make someone’s day or week, or even longer.

We are happy to announce Year 2 of our Pandemic Membership Dues Roll Back! For the month of January, starting January 1, you can sign up to be a member of our Club, happily celebrating into its 28th year of existence, for just $20! That’s right - $20 membership dues for the entire year! The Club has specific operating costs through Parrotheads in Paradise Inc. which require us to maintain a website, and pay dues to them along with sending our annual reports. We are also keeping some in our PHIN Phund that helps fellow Parrotheads in need.

We will be planning lots of fun activities and continue to follow health and safety protocols to keep all our members safe.

Hope you have a wonderful, happy, healthy New Year!

Remember dues roll back for $20 only for the month of January!

Happy New Year!




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Members agree to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CLUB HARMLESS from any and all claims, actions, suits, demands, costs, expenses, damages and liability (including attorney fees) brought as a result of my involvement at the Club and to

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